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8 Ball Pool And 9 Ball Pool Difference?

8 Ball Pool And 9 Ball Pool Difference?

8 Ball Pool And 9 Ball Pool S.S Must 


okay so what's the difference between eight ball and nine ball pool and a lot of people probably just think pool is pull they've grown up playing pool maybe in the pub or on a friend's table and they just think of pool as being reds and yellows and a black ball and a cue ball and that's it and don't really know that there are other games that are played so in this video I'm gonna take you through what's in between 8 ball pool light written yellows that you'd have played in the pub and 9 ball pool which is the most popular format of Paul played in the world it's the most popular tournament format it's played with the largest size to a knit two and a quarter inch balls and it's what you've seen on TV so if you've got Sky Sports if you turn on during the autumn then you've got the world cup of Paul and the Moscone Cup but both covered on there 


they've televised it live and there's a whole load of interest now in playing 9-ball Paul in the UK so I'll take you through both formats of the game and explain the basic rules ok so let's talk about 8 ball pool first of all and before I go into a brief overview of how to play the game if you want to look up the rules you can get these online and there are links both in the video on youtube and on our website depending where you're watching this so you can look at the specific rules you wanna have a look at so you've got the wpa which is the world sort of governing body which is the world pool billiard Association so their website has a set of 8ball rules on it you've got their European counterpart which is the EBA which is the European black ball 

Association and then you've also got what's known as world rules which is the WEP F which is the world 8 ball pool Federation and those are world rules so in the UK you'll find that poorly so either playing black ball rules all they'll be playing world rules and you can find either those sets of rules online so you can get all the details of exactly what the differences are between those but honestly be quick overview of how you play the game made either with a 2 inch reds and yellows that we've got here all with American pool balls so if you've got an American pool table we can play 8-ball on there and you'll be used in the Turner quarter inch spots and stripes

style balls but here my example I've got two inch Regin yellows with the normal black number eight ball in there so brief rules you decide who breaks either by dragging the ball up and down the table who can ever can get closer to the end cushion will be the winner will get to break or just toss a coin and that would decide who breaks you break off and then whoever pots a red safe first red will then be their color and they 

 all just pop through all the Reds if they miss a ball the other player will be on yellows and they'll be trying to pop the yellows and then the aim then is to try and get through your color balls as soon as you can and then pop the black ball and that already the frame so it's a very simple set of rules that's what everybody's used to just sort of playing in the in the British pubs but if you want to know the intricacies and some of the more recent developments in the rules then follow those links and you'll be able to see exactly  

what's involved with each of the different sets of rules okay so let's talk about nine ball rules here and predominantly this will be played on an American pool table tuna quarter-inch balls like we've got here and you'll be using spots and stripes now if you have got an English pool table and he bought a set of spots and stripes to go with it you could play 9-ball on your English pool table which is cool but we're going to really focus on it this an American table diamond that's used in a load of the tournament's now worldwide and. 


 I'll just sort of take you through the rules so you've got the world standardized rules this is where the BCA the Billy Congress of America came together with the WPA world pool billiard Association to sort of brings you the sort of standardized rules between the two sides and these generally the rules that have played worldwide now which is great however different tournaments will have slightly different sets of rules and I'll run those through with you whilst I'm explaining the main concept of playing 9-ball pool so first of all how do you wrap the balls 

it's quite simple you have to have the nine ball goes in the middle and the one ball has to go at the front and then the rest of balls can be random in some versions if the rules you'll have the one ball will be placed on the spot and other versions you have the 9-ball place on the spot so it just depends what verse and the rules you want to play a lot of people just basically put the nine ball on the spot and then rack the rest of the balls around them a lot of people will over have a diamond to be able to rack these or you can just use your standard April triangle that would normally take 15 balls in there and just by using your fingers to make the diamond shape you can wrap them in there like this okay. 

 so let's talk the break then so you need to break from behind this spot it's known as the head string so if you had a line across there that would be the head string you've got a break in from behind here you don't have to break on the spots and people think that's where you've got to break from and this depends really on the rules that you're playing a lot of tournaments now will have what they call a break box which will basically be an invisible area within which you have to break from so, 

 it's 50% of the width of the table in the middle so it's basically size if you got two spots there and these will be lightly marked on the cloths you can see where they are and you've got a break from within that area you're probably wondering why you've got it why have you got to do that well what's happened is that people have become very good at breaking with the ball at the side here so anyway around here and striking the front of the rack and actually not a pot ball off that every single time which means that. 

 if you're playing a verse the rules where you will always be breaking if you won the previous frame you could break and run and break and run umpteen frames in that tournament and really your opponent can't get to the table because you're able to just break every single time so to make it tougher. 

 they've got this break box and that means you've got to put your cue ball within this area here that's where you've got a break from it does make it a lot tougher to be able to get a ball in the pocket off every break okay so I've broken and if I've managed to put a ball from the break which say I've putted the six ball then I get to stay on the tape I can put any ball from the break and and then I stays my go say I've managed to break and not pop any balls at all that's the end of my go and he goes over to my opponents so I've managed to put the six ball anyway and now my job is to work in numerical order through the remaining balls on the table so I've got the number one 

that'll be the next poll I've got a pot then I moved to the to the three and so on through the balls now if I keep on going then great but say I miss one the mass the end of my turn and it's then back over to my opponent he can then keep on pulling through and if he then takes over and. 

 he say pots two for the five to six the seven the eight and then he gets some pots the nine then he's won and that's the key thing is whoever pots the nine ball has won so technically I kids end up breaking miss everything not portable my opponent then goes through all the balls does all the hard work gets the nine leaves it over the pocket doesn't pot it I come along pot the nine ball and. 

 I've won the game so it is a very very fast game that's why it's been so popular on TV you can even win the frame from just one shot from the from the break if from the break you happened to pot the nine ball which is known as a golden break then you've won that frame so it's a really quick game and that's why it appeals to TV audiences and that's why it's the most popular sort of tournament version of the game but in the UK we are used to playing eight ball that we talked about before and that's what a lot of people are grown up playing but with it being more on the tv9 ball pool I think more people will start playing it and it's certainly worth giving it a try and see how you get on playing the game so hopefully this has given you a very simple 

overview of both types of game eight ball and 9 ball pool you might have been playing one or the other and not really got involved in the other game so please just give it a try you may well find that you really love the other verse the game you've not been playing check out the rules that I referred to earlier on so you can see the differences between all of those and if you want to have a game and you've never tried it then obviously there's no two pool halls and pubs everywhere but if you want to come down here have a game with us please do so just pop down to the show rooms and coming up again you 



8 Ball Pool And 9 Ball Pool Difference? Reviewed by 8 Ball King on July 18, 2020 Rating: 5

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